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Welcome to Andes Coffee!

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

I will talk to you as Felipe, owner of Andes Coffee. I just want to thank life for this opportunity to work in such a special and constantly developing market as the specialty coffee. That is why, first of all I would like to talk to you about this "world of Coffee", what do you know about specialty coffee, what changes are being made worldwide in this market and how all the actors involved in the production of this wonderful product are benefiting.

First of all, the specialty coffee begins as a concern to give an added value to the coffee, since until a few years ago, the production of coffee has been a slave of the industrial production, which has not necessarily chosen to deliver a product necessarily of quality, but trying to produce and sell as much as possible. I want to be honest, we all want to live from this and sell more, but we want to be responsible about what we sell, and that the people who produce for us, are also having a decent life. The study of specialty coffee has brought producers, roasters and baristas to sit down and study this fruit more in depth. This is how one of the most formal studies of coffee and its varietals, from botanist Aaron Davis, emerged. This is one of the few official published studies, and in short words describe the different varieties of coffee and also describe the main attributes of them. That is why is so important to go forward in these kind of studies, because there are many characteristics, that describe every variety, that must be discovered y been shown, just as the wine researchers did long time ago.

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